【英検 2級】英作文の基礎-Yes, No の答え方と話の筋道の立て方

また今回もネイティブの先生や日本語を学ぶ外国人の方向けに、英語バージョンも付録しております(Please note that this blog contains the English version.)。
〔Dialogue 1〕
Reporter 1 : How can you reduce the number of coal-fired power plants within just half a year or a year?
Minister: (We will) reduce (them).Reporter 1 : How?
Minister : I have talked with my colleagues and staff of my Ministry, and decided to reduce (them), recently.Reporter 2 : What did you talk about with your personnels?
Minister : Tackling with a big issue like climate change is got to be (should be) fun, cool, and sexy.〔和訳〕
大臣 :とにかく減らす。記者1:どうやって?
(Sample essay 1)
[Topic] Some people say newspapers have too many articles about the personal lives of famous people. Do you agree with this opinion?
Yes, I do. I have two reasons.First, newspapers have too many articles about personal lives of famous people, however, it’s good for me to have much information about famous people.
For example, I like Korean pop singers, so I want to know any information about the singers.Second, many people are interested in famous people. For example, my friends always talk about idol singers at school. I want to join their conversation. It’s good for us to read newspapers about idol singers.
So, It’s a good idea that newspapers have too many articles about the personal lives of famous people.
- トピックは「新聞は有名人の私生活についての記事が多過ぎるか?」ですね。
- この生徒の答えはイエスですので、「多過ぎると思います。」ということになります。
- 一つ目のなぜ有名人の記事が多過ぎると思うのかという理由で、この生徒は「自分がK-pop シンガーが好きなので、有名人の記事が多い方が良い」としています。
- 二つ目の有名人の記事が多過ぎると思う理由では、「一般の人は、有名人に興味があるので有名人の記事が多い方が良い」と書いています。
- 政治、経済、国際情勢のニュースは、日常生活において重要なのに有名人の話題が多すぎて、社会面のニュースを深く掘り下げていない。
- 有名人の私生活に興味のない読者は新聞を読まなくなる。現に新聞の販売部数は減っている。
- 最近、個人情報の漏洩により男が女性アイドルをナイフで襲う事件があった。その一つの要因は、新聞はアイドルの私生活についての記事が多過ぎるから。新聞が有名人の住所を特定できるような記事を載せると今後ますますこのような事件が起こるかもしれない。
- 有名人のことを知りたい人は沢山いる。新聞は、もっと有名人の私生活を載せてほしい。
- 有名人の良いニュースを読んでハッピーになりたいのにそういう記事が少ない。
- 有名人の私生活のニュースを読んで自分が好きなアイドルをもっと知りたいが、そういった記事が少ない。
〔生徒の答案-Sample essay 2〕
No, I don’t. I have two reasons.First, I like Korean pop singers, so I want to know any information about the singers, however, newspapers don’t have enough information about them.
Second, my friends always talk about idol singers at school. When I join their conversation, I sometimes feel I don’t have much knowledge about those singers, so newspapers should have many articles about famous people.
In conclusion, newspapers should have enough articles including their personal lives about famous people.
- 先述したように、大臣は質問に答えず、別の話をしたこと。
- これは大切なことですが、大臣は、エネルギー問題全般の背景知識が足りなかったこと。
さて、いかがでしたか? 質問の意味をきっちり汲み取り、自分の答えを出すことの大切さがおわかりいただけましたでしょうか。
English Version
Basic Writing Skills For Eiken Second Grade Examinees
How to answer a question and develop theories
Hello, everyone!
Did you take Eiken Second Grade first-stage examination on October the 5th or 6th?
I am an English teacher at Aiyo Juku in Imajukuekimae, Fukuoka. My name is Yoko Nagasawa.
I would like to explain how to answer a topic (a question) and develop your theories on writing tests.
First of all, let’s take a look at a dialogue held between Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi and reporters at United Nations Climate Summit’s press conference on September the 22nd, 2019.
(Dialogue 1)
Reporter 1 : How can you reduce the number of coal-fired power plants within just half a year or a year?
Minister: (We will) reduce (them).
Reporter 1 : How?
Minister : I have talked with my colleagues and staff of my Ministry, and decided to reduce (them), recently.
Reporter 2 : What did you talk about with your personnels?
Minister : Tackling with a big issue like climate change is got to be (should be) fun, cool, and sexy.
How do you feel about this dialogue? Environment Minister Koizumi didn’t answer the reporter’s question properly. Although he was asked about how to reduce the number of coal-fired power plants, somehow he ended the dialogue with a topic of climate change.
If you are asked the same question on an essay test, you must answer the question correctly. Don’t write anything unrelated to the question.
You have to explain how Japan has developed new energy and energy-saving products or saved energy, for example, and how to realize decarbonization as a conclusion.
Of course, you are not an Environment Minister, so you can state it’s impossible to reduce the number with your own reasons.
What you are required in writing tests is the ability how you can develop your theories logically, and lead the theories to a conclusion.
Do not think too seriously regarding the contents of your essays. if you are highschool students deliver your opinions as students.
Well, let’s start studying!
This is an essay written by a third grade female highschooler.
My comments about the essay is as follows:
- The topic is about whether newspapers have too many articles about the personal lives of famous people, isn’t it?
- The student answers “Yes”, meaning newspapers have too many articles about famous people.
- In the first paragraph, she has to write why she thinks newspapers have too many articles about famous people, however, she says she likes K-pop singers, so too many articles about famous people is good.
- In the second paragraph. again she writes too many articles are needed, because people are interested in famous people.
If you are asked the same question on a writing test, keep in mind that you are not asked about whether it’s good that newspapers have too many articles about famous people.
if you think there too many articles about famous people on newspapers, your answer must be “Yes”, if not, “No’.
Possible reasons to support your answer
If “Yes”,
- There are many important news such as politics, economy, and international situations, however, there are too many articles about famous people, so newspapers do not have the above important news in detail.
- those who are not interested in famous people might stop reading papers. The actual number of people who subscribe to papers is decreasing.
- Recently, an idol singer has been attacked by a man with a knife, because papers have too many articles about private information about famous people. The case like this may be increasing, because criminals could find out personal information such as idols’ addresses from news articles.
If “No”,
- Many people want to know about famous people.There should be more articles about them, there are not enough such articles.
- Reading happy news about famous people make people happy though there are not enough such stories like this.
- People want to know what famous people do in their private lives but there are not many such articles.
Let’s go back to the studen’s answer! Do you think the student’s answer should be “Yes” or “No”?
Please read a topic at least three times. Think carefully about whether your answer “Yes” is appropriate, or not. Itemize your reasons supporting your answer. In this stage, 90% of your essay could be completed. Then, start writing your essay.
Lastly, let’s read the students rewritten essay!
Going back to the topic about Minister Koizumi, after the press conference, he was severely criticized at home and overseas.
I think there could be two reasons;
- As I told you, he didn’t answer the question, and talked about an unrelated topic.
- His lack of background knowledge regarding general energy issues. When making a speech or writing an essay, background knowledge about a given topic is necessary. Please refer to the blog written by me, ” How background knowledge takes your writing skills to new heights”.
How did you like this blog? Do you understand how important for you to interpret a given question and answer it on a writing test?
You are supposed to get zero score, if you write unrelated contents for a given topic, so please be careful.
Even if you think you understand perfectly how to write essays, write as many essays as possible.
Wish you good luck.

長澤 陽子

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